Dissertation Guide
Essential tips and resources to help you prepare and succeed in your dissertation journey.
Your Ultimate Dissertation Guide
There is no fixed word or page limit; however, some departments may have guidelines regarding the typical length, e.g., minimum 7000 words for undergraduate thesis, 10000 to 15000 for post Graduate dissertation and 25000 for Doctorate, 10000 for post doctorate or 20000 to 25000 for Doctorate degree program. we will also consider your previous studies, knowledge, work experiences, life experiences, skills, abilities, and domestic situation to make your research experience relax and positives as long as possible.
Instructions for Preparation of Your Thesis Or Dissertation
50-page single space at #12 font is equal to 100 pages double spaced at #12 font. Either of the above will provide approx. 25,000 words which is acceptable by many universities for Doctorate Dissertation، while for post-doctorate degree programs 10000 words، for Mphil Dissertation 15000، for a master's 10000 and for bachelor's degree 10000 minimum words are required subject to change according to University's policy and State regulations۔
Unlike a traditional Thesis or Dissertation, Your title will reflect your concentrated focus on your major only.
The title of your Thesis or Dissertation must directly represent only subject matter that is directly related to your Major.
Because our goal is for you to master the specific concentrated subject matter of your major, your accelerated program requires a complete focus on your major only. Therefore your thesis or dissertation will be unlike most research papers. Your paper will provide a comprehensive study of your subject major and your thesis or dissertation will represent a detailed overview of your major.
To ensure that no one shall waiver from the focus required to master your subject major, all students will be required to use a title that focuses on the subject major.
Example: If a Theology major, your title could be: "An Exhaustive Review of the Predominate Aspects of Theology"
You must cite a minimum of 20 references from books, periodicals and (or) articles. A minimum of 1 5 references must come from the holy books of your major.
Your finished research project must be typed without errors and with correct grammar and spelling. You will be graded for content and organization. Proofread and make all edits before submission. Typos, misspelt words and poor grammar will hurt your overall grade.
Submission of Assignments:
Once you have completed your assignments, prepare them as a PDF doc. attach and e-mail them for grading. Send to your faculty advisor at provided email.