State Licensure
We provide religious-based degree programs to the students of other states in U.S.A online meeting the higher education requirements across many U.S. states as we are religious institution by Florida department of education to offer onsite or online education. students receive quality education wherever they are located. We grant religious degrees as per state laws. You can use the title of your degree with your name legally after completing and receiving your degree. For example, Thomas Denis, Ph.D. Or Dr. Thomas Denis, after completing and receiving your doctorate from Summit Theism University.
Summit Theism University is a religiously exempt higher education institution dedicated to providing accessible religious degrees through both online and onsite in Florida by the Florida department of education, U.S. This allows the university to meet the educational needs of students across many states, fulfilling the requirements for state licensure to offer religious degrees online with the exception of a few specific states. By prioritizing a blend of flexible learning options and a strong theological foundation, Summit Theism University aims to equip students with the knowledge and expertise necessary for their spiritual and professional journeys. Whether pursuing a degree online or attending in person, students can engage with a rich curriculum designed to foster both personal growth and community involvement in religious contexts.
Summit Theism University is a Religious, ministry educational institution for students in the U.S.A and throughout the world. Within the United States, the University is required to comply with all applicable state licensure requirements for each state and territory in which it operates. See the table below for an index of the states in which the University may offer programs. Feel free to contact the University for more information regarding its ability to operate in these states. If you are interested in applying to the University, and your state is not listed below, please contact Admissions. The states that are not listed include: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas and Wyoming should a student wish to register a complaint or comment with their state regulatory agency, contact information with a link to a site that processes grievances is provided below.
Although we have a long and exhaustive list of all U.S. states regarding the legality and legitimacy of our religious degree programs. However, we would like to mention the names of a few states regarding the approval and validation of our religious degree programs in the respective states.
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight under A.R.S. §32-3022(E) because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers online Theological & Ministry related programs for religious purposes. It is also exempt from authorization or state oversight in Arizona by the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education because it does not “establish, keep, maintain, or utilize a physical facility, location or mailing address” in Arizona.
Contact Information: (602) 542-5769 1400 W Washington Street, Room 260, Phoenix, AZ 85007
Grievance Site: https://ppse.az.gov/grievance-requirements
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers online Theological & Ministry related programs under California Education Code Section 94874- 94874.9. It is also exempt from authorization or state oversight in California by the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education because it does not have a physical presence in the state under California Education Code Section 94810-94871.
Contact Information: (916) 431ol Oaks D-6959; (800) 1-888-370-7589 2535 Capitrive, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95833
Grievance Site: http://www.bppe.ca.gov/forms_pubs/complaint.pdf
Licensure Summary: The University is not required to be approved by the Colorado Department of Higher Education since the institution does not participate in federal financial aid (Title IV) or any other federally funded programs and it’s activities do not constitute physical presence within Colorado as noted in the Private Occupational Education Act, CRS 12- 59-103, because it only offers online courses and programs.
Contact Information: (303) 866-4209
1560 Broadway, Suite 1600, Denver, CO 80202
Grievance Site: http://highered.colorado.gov/Academics/Complaints/
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer online Theological & Ministry related programs in Connecticut without authorization or state oversight by the Connecticut Department of Higher Education because it does not have a physical presence in the state as defined by Section 10a-34-24 of the Connecticut Regulations for Licensure and Accreditation of Institutions and Programs of Higher Education.
Contact Information: (860) 947-1800
61 Woodland St, Hartford, CT 06105-2326
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer online Theological & Ministry related programs in Delaware without authorization or state oversight by the Delaware Department of Education because it is not incorporated in Delaware and because it does not have a physical presence in the state as described in Section 6.4 of Title 14 of the Delaware Administrative Code.
Contact Information: (302) 857-3388
John W. Collette Resource Center 35 Commerce Way, Dover, DE 19904
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight in Florida because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers online Theological & Ministry related programs under Florida Statute 1005.06(1)f. Also, the University is not required to be licensed with the Florida Commission for Independent Education since the institution is not physically located in Florida and instructors do not have face-to-face contact with students nor does any of the activities of the University constitute physical presence.
Contact Information: (850) 245-3200
325 W. Gaines St., Suite 1414, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight in Georgia because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers online Theological & Ministry related programs and accepts no federal or state funds and accepts no student who has a federal or state educational loan to attend, under OCGA regulations, 20-30250.3(a)6. Also, the University engages in none of the conditions which would cause it to be required by the State of Georgia’s Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission (NPEC) to be authorized.
Contact Information: (770) 414-3300
2082 East Exchange Place, Suite 220, Tucker, Georgia 30084-5305
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers Theological & Ministry related programs as defined by the Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 305. It is also exempt from authorization or state oversight in Hawaii because it does not have a physical presence in the state and offers courses exclusively through online and distance education.
Contact Information: (808) 586-7327
HPEAP, P. O. Box 541, Honolulu, HI 96809
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer Theological & Ministry related programs in Idaho without authorization or state oversight because it does not have a physical presence in the state according to the Idaho Statutes, Title 33, Section 32-2402. Also, the University is not required to register in Idaho, since it is an online-only school outside of Idaho.
Contact Information: (208) 334-2270
650 West State Street, PO Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0037
Grievance Site: https://www.boardofed.idaho.gov/priv_col_univ/student_complaint.asp
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer online Theological & Ministry related instruction and programs in Illinois because it does not have a physical presence in the state according to Illinois Administrative Code, 1030.10.
Contact Information: (217) 557-7359
431 East Adams Street, Second Floor, Springfield, IL 62701
Grievance Site: http://www.ibhe.state.il.us/consumerInfo/complaint.htm
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight in Indiana because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers Theological & Ministry related programs according to Indiana Code 21-18.5-2-12(b)7 and because it is an out-of-state nonprofit degree granting institution with no physical presence in Indiana, Code 21-18.5-2- 12(b)6 that only offers online courses and programs.
Contact Information: (317) 464-4400
101 W. Ohio Street, Suite 550, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-1984
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight in Iowa because it does not have a physical presence in the state and none of it's activities constitute a physical presence, according to Iowa Code Chapter 261B.
Contact Information: (515) 725-3413
430 East Grand Avenue, FL 3, Des Moines, IA 50309-1920
Licensure Summary: The University is not required to seek approval with the Board of Regents because it does not have a physical presence in the state nor are its activities in violation of Kansas Board of Regent policies.
Contact Information: (785) 296-4917
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 520, Topeka, KS 66612-1368
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer online Theological & Ministry related programs in Kentucky without authorization or state oversight because it is a religious “eleemosynary” school according to Kentucky Revised Statutes, 165A.310 (17)(b) and because it does not have a physical presence in the state.
Contact Information: (502) 573-1555 ext. 350
Capital Center Drive, Suite 320, Frankfort, KY 40601
Grievance Site: Attn: Sarah Levy, Director of Postsecondary Licensing 1024
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers online Theological & Ministry related programs according to Louisiana RS-17:1808(J)(2). It is also exempt from authorization or state oversight by the Board of Regents in Louisiana because it does not have a physical presence in the state and none of its activities constitute operating in Louisiana under RS-17:1808.
Contact Information: (225) 342-4253
1201 N. Third St., Suite 6-200, Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Grievance Site: PO Box 3677, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-3677
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer online Theological & Ministry related programs in Maine without authorization or state oversight because it does not have a physical presence in the state, according to the Maine Rule Chapters for the Department of Education, 05-071 CMR 149-2E(1).
Contact Information: (207) 624-6846
23 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0023
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer online Theological & Ministry related programs in Maryland without approval or state oversight by the Maryland Board of Higher Education because it does not have a physical presence in the state and none of its activities constitute physical presence, according to COMAR 13B.02.01.03B(12)(c).
Contact Information: (410) 767-3301
6 North Liberty Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer online Theological & Ministry related programs in Massachusetts without authorization or state oversight by the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education because it does not have a physical presence in the state.
Contact Information: (617) 944-6963
One Ashburton Place, Room 1401, Boston, MA 02108
Grievance site: Attn: Angela Williams
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer online Theological & Ministry related programs in Michigan without authorization or state oversight because it does not have a physical presence in the state.
Contact Information: Office of Postsecondary Services
Proprietary School Unit 2501 Woodlake Circle, Okemos MI 48864
Grievance Site: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/lara/LCE-992_474650_7.pdf
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers online Theological & Ministry related programs, under Section 136A.657 of the Minnesota Private and Out-of-State Public Post Secondary Education Act.
Contact Information: (651) 259-3975
1450 Energy Park Drive, Suite 350, St. Paul, MN 55108-5227
Grievance Site: http://www.ohe.state.mn.us/mPg.cfm?pageID=1078
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer online Theological & Ministry related programs in Mississippi without authorization or state oversight by the Mississippi Commission on Proprietary Schools and College Registration or the Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation because it does not have a physical presence in the state nor do any of it's activities establish physical presence according to published CPSCR interpretation of 34 CFR 600.9.
Contact Information: (601) 432-6372
3825 Ridgewood Road, Jackson, MS 39211
Grievance Site: http://www.mississippi.edu/mcca/downloads/studentcomplaitform.pdf
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers online Theological & Ministry related programs, according to Missouri Revised Statutes, Chapter 173, Section 173.616.2(1).
Contact Information: (800) 473-6757
205 Jefferson Street, P.O. Box 1469, Jefferson City, MO 65102-1469
Grievance Site: http://www.dhe.mo.gov/documents
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight by the Higher Learning Commission because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers online Theological & Ministry related programs according to the Montana Code Annotation, §20-25-108.
Contact Information: (406) 444-6570
2500 Broadway, Box 203201, Helena, MT 59560-3201
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight by the Nebraska Department of Education because it is a charitable institution that provides religious and ministry education that is promoted as leading to volunteer ministry objectives and not promoted as leading toward any occupational objectives as defined by the Nebraska Religious Statute 85-1604(5).
Contact Information: (402) 471-0030
P.O. Box 95005, Lincoln, NE 68509-5005
Grievance Site: http://www.ccpe.state.ne.us/PublicDoc/Ccpe/contact.asp
Licensure Summary: Since the University only provides online instruction, therefore it is not required to be licensed in Nevada by the Commission on Postsecondary Education due to a lack of physical presence.
Contact Information: (702) 486-7330
3663 East Sunset Road, Suite 202, Las Vegas, NV 89120
Grievance Site: http://www.cpe.state.nv.us/CPE%20Complaint%20Info.htm
New Hampshire
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer online Theological & Ministry related programs in New Hampshire without authorization or state oversight because it does not have a physical presence in the state according to the New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules, HEDC 401.01(c).
Contact Information: (603) 271-0256
101 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301
Grievance Site: http://www.education.nh.gov/highered/compliance-allegation.htm
New Jersey
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer online Theological & Ministry related programs in New Jersey without authorization or state oversight because it does not have a physical presence in the state according to the New Jersey Administrative Code 9A:1-5.
Contact Information: (609) 292-4310 20 West State Street, 4th floor, PO Box 542, Trenton, NJ 08625-0542
New Mexico
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers online Theological & Ministry related programs according to the New Mexico Administrative Code It is also exempt from authorization or state oversight in New Mexico because it does not have a physical presence in the state as defined in the New Mexico Administrative Code
Contact Information: (505) 476-8400 2048 Galisteo, Santa Fe, NM 87505 Attn: Diane Vigil-Hayes
Grievance Site: http://www.hed.state.nm.us/students/hed-student-complaint-form.aspx
New York
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer online-only Theological & Ministry related programs in New York without authorization or state oversight because it does not have a physical presence in the state and is in compliance with the Physical Presence Policy of the Office of College and University Evaluation of the New York Department of Education.
Contact Information: (518) 474-3852
29 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12234
North Carolina
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight because it is a religious institution that only offers online-only Theological & Ministry related programs according to the North Carolina Rules and Standards, Section X(B).
Contact Information: (919) 962-4558 910 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2688
Grievance Site: http://www.northcarolina.edu/?q=licensure
North Dakota
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer online Theological & Ministry related programs in North Dakota without authorization or state oversight because it does not have a physical presence in the state according to the Postsecondary Education Institution Minimum Standards, Section 15-18.1-02(8).
Contact Information: ( 701) 224-2498
1815 Schafer St., Ste. 202; Bismarck, ND 58501-1217
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer online Theological & Ministry related programs in Ohio without authorization or state oversight because it does not have a physical presence in the state according to the Ohio Board of Regents standards.
Contact Information: (614) 728-8856
30 East Broad Street, 36th floor, Columbus, OH 43215-3414
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer online-only Theological & Ministry related programs in Oklahoma without authorization or state oversight because it does not have a physical presence in the state according to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, Policy and Procedures, Chapter 3 Academic Affairs, 3.1.3(B).
Contact Information: (405) 225-9100
P.O. Box 108850, Oklahoma City, OK 73101-8850
Attn: Academic Affairs
Grievance Site: http://www.okhighered.org/resources/Student-Complaint-Form/
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers Theological & Ministry related programs according to the Oregon Office of Degree Authorization based on ORS 348.594.
Contact Information: (503) 373-0003
1500 Valley River Dr., Suite 100, Eugene, OR 97401
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight because it is a religious institution that only offers online Theological & Ministry related programs according to the Pennsylvania Code §73.42 (9) and because it does not have a physical presence in the state according to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Contact Information: (717) 783-8228
333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126
Rhode Island
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer Theological & Ministry related programs in Rhode Island without authorization or state oversight because it does not have a physical presence in the state and engages in no activities that would be in violation of the Policy on Distance Learning adopted by the Board of Governors on Higher Education.
Contact Information: (401) 456-6000
80 Washington Street, Shepard Bldg. Suite 524, Providence, RI 02903
Grievance Site: http://www.ribghe.org/8a1031912.pdf
South Carolina
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight in South Carolina because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers Theological & Ministry related programs according to South Carolina Code of Laws, section 59-58-30(4).
Contact Information: (803) 737-2260
1122 Lady Street, Suite 300, Columbia, SC 29201
Grievance Site: http://www.che.sc.gov/Portals/0/CHE_Docs/academicaffairs/license/complaint_procedures_and_form.pdf
South Dakota
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers online Theological & Ministry related programs according to the South Dakota Codified Law, 13- 48-41(3). It is also exempt from oversight because it does not have a physical presence in the state and engages in no activities that would be in violation of South Dakota Codified Law, 13-48-43.
Contact Information: (605) 773-3537 500 East Capitol Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501-5070
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer online Theological & Ministry related programs in Tennessee without authorization or state oversight because it does not have a physical presence in the state under the Rules of the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Rule 15-01-02.03(1)(ii).
Contact Information: (615) 741-5293
404 James Robertson Parkway, Suite 1900, Nashville, TN 37243-0830
Grievance Site: http://www.tn.gov/thec/Divisions/LRA/PostsecondaryAuth/Complaint
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers Theological & Ministry related programs according to the Texas Administrative Code, 7.9 and 7.14(2)(B). The University is also allowed to offer online-only Theological & Ministry related programs in Texas without authorization or state oversight because it does not have a physical presence in the state according to the Texas Administrative Code, 7.3(32).
Contact Information: (512) 427-6528
P.O. Box 12788, Austin, TX 78711
Grievance Site: http://www.thecb.state.tx.us/index
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers Theological & Ministry related programs according to Utah Code 13-34-105(1)(d)(ii).
Contact Information: (800) 530-6601
160 East 300 South, 2nd Floor, P.O. Box 146704, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-6704
Grievance Site: http://consumerprotection.utah.gov/complaints/index.html
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer online Theological & Ministry related programs in Vermont without authorization or state oversight because it does not have a physical presence in the state, nor does it engage any activity that would be deemed “physical presence” as defined by the Vermont Department of Education.
Contact Information: (802) 828-3135
120 State Street, Montpelier, VT 05620-2501
Grievance Site: http://education.vermont.gov/documents/EDU-Complaint_Resolution
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers Theological & Ministry related programs according to the Virginia Administrative Code, 8VAC40- 31-50. Since the university is 100% online, it is allowed to offer Theological & Ministry related programs in Virginia without authorization or state oversight because it does not have a physical presence in the state and engages in no activities that would be defined as physical presence by the Virginia State Council on Higher Education.
Contact Information: (804) 371-2285
101 N. 14th Street, 10th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers online Theological & Ministry related programs, according to the Revised Code of Washington, RCW28C.10.030 and the Washington Administrative Code, WAC250-61-060(8). It is also exempt from authorization or state oversight in Washington because it does not have a physical presence in the state and is not engaged in any activity that would be considered physical presence by the Washington Student Achievement Council.
Contact Information: (360) 753-7869
917 Lakeridge Way SW, Olympia, WA 98502
West Virginia
Licensure Summary: The University is allowed to offer Theological & Ministry related programs in West Virginia without authorization or state oversight because it does not have a physical presence in the state and does not engage in any activity that would be in violation of the Legislative Rule of the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, Title 133- 20-3(3.11).
Contact Information: (304) 558-2102
1018 Kanawha Blvd. East, Charleston, WV
Grievance Site: http://www.wvhepc.com/inside-the-commission/offices-and-affiliates/legal/
Licensure Summary: The University is exempt from authorization or state oversight because it is a religious or theological institution that only offers Theological & Ministry related programs according to the Wisconsin Statutes 38.50.(1)(e)(3).
Contact: (608) 267-7733
431 Charmany Drive, Suite 102, Madison, WI 53719